Name: Pange Polyxeni (Jenny)
Academic Rank: Professor
GG: 397/30-04-2008, vol. C΄
Phone./Fax: 26510 05778
Office: 4th floor, Preschool Education Dept.
  • Informatics and education
  • Educational technology
  • New Technologies and educational programs
  • Open and distance education
  • Lifelong Learning and New Technologies
  • Applied statistics
  • Applied programs using probabilities and statistical concepts in education
  • Degree in Mathematics, University of Ioannina
  • Postgraduate Degree in Statistics, LSE University of England
  • Doctoral Degree of the Medical School of the University of Ioannina
  1. Pange, J. (2014). Self regulated learning strategies in groups of learners. Tiltai Online Journal, 66(1), 169-181.
  2. Xia, Liu,. Toki, E. I., & Pange, J. (2014). The Use of ICT in Preschool Education in Greece and China: A Comparative Study. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 112, 1167–1176.
  3. Sypsas, A., & Pange, J. (2014). Webinars and Social Network in Distance Learning: Students’ Views. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 4(7), 953-964.
  4. Nikiforidou, Ζ., Pange, J., & Chadjipadelis, T. (2013). Intuitive and Informal Knowledge in Preschoolers’ Development of Probabilistic Thinking. IJEC, 45, 347-357
  5. Toki, E.I., & Pange, J. (2012). Traditional and Computer-Based evaluation of preschoolers’ oral language in Greek – A review of the literature. Sino-US English Teaching, 9(1), 840-845.
  6. Toki, E. I., Pange, J., & Mikropoulos, T. A. (2012). An Online Expert System for Diagnostic Assessment Procedures on Young Children’s Oral Speech and Language. Procedia Computer Science, 14(0), 428-437
  7. Nikiforidou, Z., Pange, J., & Chadjipadelis, T. (2012). Risk literacy in early childhood education under a lifelong perspective. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 4830-4833.