Name: Kaldrimidou Maria
Academic Rank: Professor
GG: 397/30-04-2008, vol. C΄
Phone./Fax: 26510 05773
Office: 2nd Floor, E.C.E.D.U. Building
  • Representations and perceptions of Mathematics and mathematical concepts
  • Curricula
  • School textbooks
  • Organization and management of mathematical knowledge in the classroom
  • Communication and interaction in the classroom
  • Epistemological characteristics of school mathematics
  • Students’ metacognitive and epistemological perceptions of Mathematics and mathematical concepts (rational numbers, functions, geometric concepts)
  • Bachelor’s Degree from the Department of Mathematics of AUTh
  • D.E.A, major in Pure Mathematics, PARIS XI University, ORSAY Scientific Center \
  • D.E.A. in Science Teaching with a specialization in Mathematics, PARIS University 7
  • Doctoral Thesis in the Field of Science Teaching, specialty Mathematics, University PARIS 7, on”Images mentales et représentations en mathématiques chez les mathématiciens et les étudiants en mathématiques
  1. Tzekaki, M, Kaldrimidou, M. & Sakonidis H. (2013) Teachers’ reflecting on the nature of the mathematical knowledge under construction in the classroom. In A. M. Lindmeier & A. Heinze (Eds), Proceedings of the 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vol. 4 (pp. 305-312), Kiel, Germany: PME
  2. Kaldrimidou, M., Sakonidis, H., Tzekaki, M. (2011). Teachers’ management of meaning construction in the mathematics classroom. In B. Grevholm & G. Anthony (Eds), Teachers of Mathematics: Recruitment and retention, professional development and identity (pp 101-112). Kristiansand, Sweden: Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education.
  3. Kaldrimidou, M., Sakonidis, H. & Tzekaki, M. (2011). Readings of the mathematical meaning shaped in the classroom: exploiting different lenses. In Pytlak, M., Rowland, T. & E. Swoboda, (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 2680-2689). University of Rzeszów, Poland: CERME.
  4. Kaldrimidou, M., Moroglou, M. (2009). On functions: Representations and students’ conceptions, In M. Tzekaki, M. Kaldrimidou, H. Sakonidis (eds) Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vol.(pp. 3265-272), Thessaloniki, Greece: PME.
  5. Kaldrimidou, M., Sakonidis, H. & Tzekaki, M. (2008), Comparative readings of the nature of the mathematical knowledge under construction in the classroom, ZDM, 40 (pp.235-248)